Bart Van Gassen
Bart Van Gassen is an engineer-architect and urbanist who graduated from the University of Ghent and the KULeuven. In his work and teaching he is exploring the relation between architecture, landscape and urbanism. Bart Van Gassen
is leading the spatial design team of the engineering and consultancy firm of Tractebel (IG: Spatialdesigntractebel). He realised over a period of 20 years now studies and projects related to spatial design of a very different scale and nature. His main focus today lies on the design of public space, landscape design, master planning and territorial studies. Since 2008 Bart Van Gassen is part-time lecturer at KU Leuven. He is leading different studios in the Masters of Architecture. And from 2022 he will also teach a course in landscape architecture together with Bruno Notteboom. In the KU Leuven he participates in the research program All Cities All Land and the research program Landscape, Ecology and Design.
2021-08-13 16:58:28
New Collectives in the Stiemer Valley - The Masterplan of The Stiemer Valley