Tim Vekemans


Tim Vekemans is an architect-spatial researcher and since 2010 co-founder of the architecture practice RE-ST. As a designer collective, RE-ST has extended the practice of building with non-building. They look daily for how we can deal with the excess of already produced space. RE-ST received a BouwmeesterLabel for their research on Wanderspace (zwerfruimte). Tim is also working at UHasselt Faculty of Architecture & Art and mixes with time and stood in the spatial debate by writing opinions such as "Where there is a will, there is a way away".

Website: https://www.re-st.be/nl


2019-08-21 14:25:30

Panel debate with audience about the politics of "care"


2021-08-13 17:07:57

Waar een wil is, kan een weg weg