Prof. dr. Cristiano Storni (UL Limerick)

Beneficiary partners

Cristiano Storni is Associate Professor and senior researcher in Interaction design. He is the director of the Interaction Design Centre in the department of Computer Science and Information Systems, Faculty of Science and Engineering in UL. He holds a PhD in Information Systems and Organisation from the University of Trento (Italy), and a Laurea in Human Computer Interaction from the University of Siena. His research lies at the intersection of Design (interaction, human-centred, participatory) and social sciences (ethnography, science and technology studies, particularly Actor Network Theory) with a general interest in the relationship between technology and people in various domains: health, care and self-care, social innovation, neurodiversity and inclusion, and sustainability.  He is currently working on bridging ANT to design practice, developing neuro-divergent affirmative designs and inclusive practices/technologies, and exploring ways to use new emerging computing paradigms to rethink our relationship with nature and engagement with restoration practices. 



2024-03-22 08:20:16

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2024-06-28 09:37:58

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