Researcher 1: Reworlding Neuro-diversity in society: mapping inclusion strategies and barriers toward sustainable and neuro-divergent affirmative environments // Limerick University

Doctoral candidate with description research

This project will look at current practices, services and discourses around autism inclusivity via collaboration with the two largest Charities for Autism in Ireland: Aslam based in Dublin and ASD Ireland Based in Limerick. The PhD student is supposed to engage with these organizations to map their services and their network of collaborations with other stakeholders. The study will identify best practices but also barriers to inclusivity, and will explore participatory approaches to progress and evolve the provision of services/infrastructures/platform supporting neuro diversity inclusive environments in a sustainable fashion.



2024-03-22 08:20:16

Public events REWORLDING


2024-07-01 12:48:26

Reworlding PhD Research projects