Researcher 3: Anannya Bhowmik: Retracing sustainable platform cooperative models // Aalborg University
Doctoral candidate with description researchDescription
The project will focus on promoting the emergence of a platform cooperative in the city of Aalborg, relying on the adaptation of existing technologies (e.g. in the delivery sector). By involving university graduates and migrant workers, the initiative allows tracing the network of support needed for the formation of platform cooperatives. This allows putting at the centre of co-design activities organizational models for platform cooperatives.
PhD candidate: Anannya Bhowmik
Anannya is a service designer and have worked several years in design consultancy and management consulting firms where she had opportunity to experience the relation between of technology and people’s life. Hence “Technology for Social Good” has been her interest area. In Aalborg University, she would be working on developing platform cooperatives tailored to the needs of the local community, including marginalized groups. Anannya holds a bachelor’s in design from NIFT, India and a specialization in Service Design from Politecnico Di Milano, Italy.