Stad Genk

Associated partners

Genk is a young and ambitious city with a strong commitment to creativity, innovation and residential quality. Genk has a rich industrial past, but a lot of these areas are in the process of transition. With strategic projects, the city of Genk wants to give their area a new face and work on sustainable solutions: C-mine, Thor park, Waterrijk Waterschei, Portavida, ...  The realisation of these urban projects on transition are preceded by extensive research studies. The city will provide case study's for several network training events of the Reworlding project and provide DC6 the opportunity to take part in their ongoing projects and deepen their knowledge of design and participation in a governmental context, as well as interact with the city's network of stakeholders. 




2024-03-22 08:20:16

Public events REWORLDING


2024-06-26 14:09:36

Associated partners