ETH Zurich


Department of Architecture of ETH Zürich 

The NEWROPE Chair of Architecture and Urban Transformation is part of the department of Architecture of ETH Zürich and deals with the field of spatial design and social innovation, focusing both on innovative solutions and processes.

The NEWROPE Chair wants to engage in rediscovering Europe as inhabitable ground, and a shared space for all, in a world that is constantly changing. The rediscovering of this territory, both as a shared history and a common future, is what we call NEWROPE. It comes with an exploration of the large diversity of urban practices that inhabit and shape Europe.

The NEWROPE Chair applies and investigates the idea of Design in Dialogue, or the belief that the complexities of our time can only be tackled collectively, by developing transdisciplinary ideas and projects, linking spatial and strategic knowledge to other disciplines and urban practitioners, with a radical openness to learn from others.




2024-06-25 16:00:35

Prof. dr. Panayotis Antoniadis (ETH Zürich)

2020-12-11 16:38:52

Prof. dr. Seppe De Blust (ETH Zürich)

2024-06-26 08:25:56

Researcher 11: Reimagining open spaces for radical participation and collective imagination // ETH Zurich