The Politics of Design: Act 1 Exhibition


The Politics of Design: Act 1 exhibition presented works of 15 designers and collectives selected as participants in the 'Situated Actions' strand of the 15th edition of the international Participatory Design conference. UHasselt, Faculty of Architecture, LUCA School of Arts, Z33 - House for Contemporary Art, the city of Hasselt and the city of Genk present these 15 situated actions in order to address the debate on public space (in Hasselt) and on the politics of design. This 'first act’ was a first exhibition in a longer trajectory, that aimed for starting new collaborations on a local, regional and international context. The Politics of Design: Act 1 intended to contextualise participatory design practices that were part of the Participatory Design Conference by placing them in a dialogue with several local and international projects which will also be presented in the exhibition. The exhibition presented 3 thematic clusters that made tangible the politics of ways in which participation is given form. These 'ways to participate' are: BODY (participating as an individual and a physical body through practices of care and work), COMMUNITY (participating through and towards creating a collective through practices of commoning and representation) and CITY (participating as a stranger in larger scale networks, through practices of data production and collection, and contributions to complex challenges, such as sustainability). Selected situated actions encompassed Participatory Design-inspired exhibitions, interventions, participatory walks, public debates, performances and other interactive formats. The exhibition was curated and prepared by Mela Zuljevic, Jan Boelen, Ils Huyghens and Liesbeth Huybrechts


2021-08-16 09:44:03

Health Cultures (Group BODY: Care)

2021-08-16 09:56:27

Post-Labouratory (Group BODY: Care)

2021-08-16 10:06:12

ACTING THINGS. Black on White is White on Black (Group BODY: Work)

2021-08-16 10:14:40

Co-production Teatime (Group BODY: Work)

2021-08-16 10:17:04

Office for Bureaucritic Imagination - State of Exception (Group Body: Work)

2021-08-16 10:26:45

The Library of Engagements (Group COMMUNITY: Commons)

2021-08-16 10:31:00

Everyone shares in Hasselt. A perspective on the political potential of Spatial commoning (Group COMMUNITY: Commons)

2021-08-16 10:38:16

WegenWerken - A design journey down the slow roads (Group COMMUNITY: Commons)

2021-08-16 10:44:31

Master Plan for Duamdong, co-operative art project (Group COMMUNITY: Commons)

2021-08-16 10:52:33

Democratic Drinking Bar (Group COMMUNITY: Representation)

2021-08-16 10:56:09

De Eendagspartij (The One-day Party)(Group COMMUNITY: Representation)

2021-08-16 11:09:32

Towards Togetherness: Probing as a Decolonizing Approach (Group COMMUNITY: Representation)

2021-08-16 11:13:37

Play-Workshop-Space (Group CITY: Sustainability)

2021-08-16 11:16:03

More-than-Human Urban Futures: Walking towards speculative participatory design to avoid ecocidal smart cities (Group CITY (Sustainability)

2021-08-16 11:22:45

mijnKool, Organic Photography as a Participatory Design Method (Group CITY: Sustainability)

2021-08-16 11:40:36

Cirkel Sector Lab: Sustaining Design Projects (Group City: Sustainability)

2021-08-16 11:43:48

Data Objects for Hasselt and Genk (Group CITY: Data)

2021-08-16 11:47:37

Designing for a City of Lies. How to Rethink Belgium’s Smartest City Through Engaging the Imaginaries of Its Local Citizens (Group CITY: Data)


2018-03-09 11:29:59

Mela Zuljevic

2021-05-20 12:40:20

Jan Boelen

2021-05-20 12:40:03

Ils Huyghens

2018-02-07 16:50:57

Prof. dr. Liesbeth Huybrechts